The Island

This is a song for acoustic guitar and accordion (or tin whistle).

Here is a MIDI recording.


Petals falling at the feet of old oak trees
By the starlight of the night sky do the lonely figures leave

Let us go, let us fly
to the plains where rivers run wide


Miscellaneous college notes

Here are some notes from college that don't fit in to the other categories.

Solidstate electronics

  • Characteristics of the PN junction: PDF
  • The Fermi-Dirac distribution: PDF

Analog electronics

Some brief write-ups on basic analog electronics ...

PID control

If you're a control or automation engineer, you'll probably roll your eyes at the sight of another article on PID controllers - especially one written by an undergraduate. Nonetheless, here is my own spin on the topic.

Unfortunately the article is in the PDF format - and I can't translate it to HTML easily. Here's the link: PID control.

Thermodynamics notes

Thermodynamics was one of my favourite subjects in college. Although the topics discussed below might seem somewhat mundane, it's a fairly profound subject.

DSP notes

These are just miscellaneous DSP (Digital signal processing) notes from college.

  • (Very) basic radar simulation: PDF
  • A brief discussion of quantization error as it arises in analog-to-digital conversion: PDF
  • Notch filter design: PDF

System identification using ARMA models

System identification

System identification falls in to two categories - parametric and non-parametric. When using parametric methods, it is implicitly assumed that the system being investigated adheres to a certain model (e.g. first-order plus dead-time, second-order, etc.) - and the task of identification boils down to finding the 'parameters' for that model. Non-parametric methods, in contrast, make no such assumption - they involve analysis of the frequency response of the system instead.

Mathematical graphics with Asymptote

Asymptote is a vector graphics programming language.

It's features include:



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