
The vaccine thugs are out in numbers like never before

Vaccine thugs

The vaccine thugs are out in numbers like never before and they want to vaccinate the entire population using experimental vaccines that have been rushed through legislative approval - all for a virus which poses approximately the same threat as the flu. That makes sense, doesn't it? Not.


Covid 19 - why I distrust the mainstream doctors and scientists

Scientists such as Professor Dolores Cahill, Dr. Succharit Bhakdi, Dr. John Lee, dr. Mike Yeadon and Professor Carl Heneghan have argued at length that there are serious reasons to doubt what we have been told about Covid 19. I trust these scientists more than the mainstream doctors and scientists for a number of reasons.

  • They are not hiding anything

  • They have no conflicts of interest

  • Their arguments are consistent, rational and non-hysterial - and not fraught with logical leaps or missteps.


Covid 19 - truth is for losers

If the only information you have received about Covid 19 has been via the mainstream media, you may believe that Covid 19 really is as dangerous as the media portray it to be. As a consequence, you quite likely believe that the lock-downs, social distancing, and masks are necessary. I would invite you, at this point, to seek other sources of information on the subject.

Here are a few reasons to do so.


The UN declaration of human rights - real rights vs fake rights

These are my thoughts on the UN Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) - which you can read online. The ostensibly reasonable ideas presented in the declaration are so thoroughly inculcated in young minds nowadays that they absorb the ideas without questioning or reflection. I outline below why I believe this is a serious problem.


Covid 19 - the vaccine rollout

If you are based in the UK or Ireland, you have probably heard that the vaccine is being rolled out to the first recipients over the coming month or so.

I can only stomach listening to or reading so much of the mainstream news at present, and - partly for this reason - I don't have the full details yet. E.g., I don't know - presently - whether the vaccine will become mandatory or not. It is evident, however, that the government are planning a concerted campaign to try to get people 'on board' with the vaccine.


Covid 19 and scientific fraud

The reporting by main-stream Irish media on Covid 19 is fraudulent. I am referring here mainly of the reporting by RTE - a semi-state body and the main source of news for probably most Irish people. But essentially the same disinformation is being promulgated by national media all over the world. I refer to the Irish media here (and RTE in particular) only because, well, I am Irish.

Every day the RTE present new figures of Covid-19 deaths and 'cases'. But these statistics are extremely misleading and - ultimately - fraudulent.


Covid 19 hysteria - Irish scientists offer a counter narrative

I am glad to learn that a number of Irish doctors have written a white paper arguing against lockdowns as a measure to combat Covid-19. This is a very welcome antidote to the scaremongering and hysteria in the government and main stream media's reporting on and response to the virus. (I could say that the media's response "lacks scientific rigor" - but it is a bit more serious than that at this stage in my opinion.)

The white paper can be found at https://covidrecovery.ie/ .

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